Aransas Co. TXGenWeb

Early Residents of St. Charles Bay
the Blackjacks/Salt Creek/Copano Creek

By 1861, the families who had lived in or around Lamar and outlying settlements on St. Charles Bay, the Blackjacks, Salt Creek and Copano Creek, included:

Allyn, Sam
Armstrong, George
Atkinsons, ?

Ballou, Lugenio
Ballou, Seth T.(Jim)
Bartels, John
Bass, A.
Benet, Mrs.
Bickford, ?
Brundrett, George
Brundrett, John M.
Byrne, Capt. James W.
Byrne, Thomas King
Byrne, Charles R.
Byrne, Richard T.
Byrne, William

Canfield, Israel Jr.
Chain, John
Charlesworth, ?
Crandall, J.M.

Deaderich, ?
Dean, Capt. Charles
DeForest, ?
Dubois, ?
Dulaney, Dr. W.H.

Fagan, John
Faulkner, ?
Finnegan, Patrick
Fox, James

Garcia, ?
Garza, ?
Gourlay, James Jr.
Graf, August
Graf, Jacob
Gregory, H.S.
Gunderman, Frederick

Hastings, E.D.
Hawes, William F. Sr.
Hay, William J.
Heard, Joel
Hill, William
Hope, John
Howard, ?
Huff, William
Hughes, J.G.
Hull, George
Huntington, Elizabeth

James, William
Johnson, Capt. Peter
Johnson, Capt. Theodore
Jones, William H.
Jordan, Richard

Kemp, Tully
King, John
Kroeger, Henry

Labadie, J.
Lamardo, ?
Lambert, Mrs. Nicholas
Ledesma, ?
Lewis, William
Little, George R.

Little, John
Lynch, S.L.

Margaratt, Joseph

McRae, Archibald
McRae, Capt. Murdoch
Meekers, Joseph
Murray, James

Newcomb, Capt. Philip D.
Nichols, Capt. William

O'Connor, Mrs. Jane P.
O'Connor, John Henry
O'Meara, Edward

Patterson, James S.
Paul, Capt. Philip
Paul, Simon
Peaks, Augustus M.
Perry, Edward
Peterson, Frank
Pickens, Leonard
Plummer, Mrs. Mary A.

Ramires, ?
Roberts, Capt. George M.
Roberts, Leonard B.
Robertson, Isaac E.
Ryan, James

Scott, Capt. Henry
Sideck, ?
Simpson, Moses
Simpson, M. Findley
Smith, John
Strauch, Antoine
Stubblefield, ?

Talley, Judge John R.
Taylor, Sidney A.
Teal, Charles H.
Teal, John
Teal, Walter
Teal, William
Thomas, John
Thomas, John Jacob

Upton, James
Upton, Samuel E.

Villareal, ?
Vineyard, Samuel C.

Walker, S.P.
Wellington, Dr. R.W.
Wells, Capt. James B.
Wells, Judge James B.
Whelan, Mrs. Bridget
White, Alvin E.
Wigginton, ?
Williams, W.
Wood, Richard H.
Woods, J.

Young, John
Young, F.W.
Young, H.W.