Aransas Co. TXGenWeb

Early Residents of Rockport

The County seat of Refugio County was transferred to Rockport on March 15, 1871, and Rockport was elevated from town to city on May 26 1871. On September 18, 1871, the Texas Legislature approved the creation of Aransas from Refugio County, with Rockport as its county seat. The citizens of Rockport, Fulton and Lamar who signed the petition in 1871 for Rockport to be made the county seat were:

Adams, F.I.
Adams, George
Adams, Willie
Addams, W.G.
Alfred, A.F.
Allen, Alonso
Allen, Thomas
Allen, W.E.
Andrews, J.A.
Andrews, ?
Andrews, R.J.
Archer, R.W.
Atkinson, U.N.
Aviegonat, J.

Bailey, C.F.
Baker, A.H.
Ballou, Lugenio
Ballou, Moses
Ballou, Seth T.
Ballou, Wilford C.
Barnefelt, J.A.
Barclay, J. Ogden
Bartelt, John
Barth, ?
Baylor, T.J.
Bazen, C.
Bedeker, Fredrich
Beetley, S.Z.J.
Bendix, Leon
Benham, John D.
Benson, J.W.
Bickford, P.
Bouch, E.
Brightman, William
Brown, C.L.
Brown, James W.
Brown, Louis
Brundrett, John
Burnett, J.F.
Byrne, C.R.
Byrne, R.T.
Byrne, T.K.

Cable, Orlando
Campbell, Frank
Cardenas, Rafael
Carroll, Francis M.
Carroll, P.E.
Carter, Charles
Carter, S.Gay
Caruthers, Fulton & Co.
Casterline, William
Claherty, James
Cline, Joseph
Coates, T.S.
Coates, John T.
Coons, J.H.
Coustois, A.
Coyne, Peter
Crowder, Frank
Culkin, Anthony
Cunningham, John

Decros, Elijah
Dennis, T.M.
Dickens, M.H.
Dickey, R.I.
Dickey, W.C.
Dickson, W.L.
Diebrell, Joseph
Diez, Charles
Doak, A.V.
Donoghue, ?
Dorethy, W.
Doughty, Joseph
Douglass, E.G.
Duke, Charles
Duke, S.A.
Duke, Willis
Duran, George
Durmont, L.J.
Dwyer, Jerome C.

Eckhardt, L.

Fabian, R.T.
Farrell, John
Feldman, John
Finegan, Henry
Flato, Nelson

Fly, H.W.
Friday, M.
Fulton, G.W., Jr.
Fulton, James G.
Fumes, Don A.

Gaffney, M.T.
Gamble, Arthur
Garcia, Ynocencio
Garza, Antonio
George, B.K.
Glenn, T.B.
Glover, Lew
Gorman, C.A.
Gourley, James
Graf, Jacob
Gregory, William D.
Greenough, J.

Hall, William S.
Hancock, S.W.
Harrison, Charles J.
Harrison, James
Hastings, E.D.
Hauck, John
Hayes, J.W.
Haynes, Patrick
Herring, John Charles
Holden, Charles M.
Holden, D.L.
Holden, E.G.
Howard, John C.
Howard, Harry
Howell, George

Jacobs, M.
Johnson, Andrew
Johnson, D.I.
Johnson, Peter
Johnson, Theodore
Jones, C.H.
Jordan, Amos

Kain, James
Kaysing, Henry
King, Samuel
King, Thomas S.
Kroeger, Henry
Kuykendall, B.
Kuykendall, T.H.

Labardie, R.
Laconey, Samuel
Lamford, E.T.
Larkin, P.
Leibrook, C.A.
Lewis, John
Lewis, P.J.
Lily, C.
Little, R.A.
Logan, A.J.
Lozano, John E.
Luttjorhorn, Ernest

Malone, J.E.
Marsh, J.
Martin, R.
Mathis, T.H.
McClure, Dennis
McGentry, Peter
McLeod, James
McNeill, Nash & Co.
McGrew, Burl
McGrew, J.H.
McGrew, William
McGrew, William P.
McRae, J.A.
McRae, M.W.
McWhorter, W.S.
Miller, Henry
Miller, R.
Miller, William
Moffett, E.
Moffett, J.B.
Mohr, J.
Moorhead, J.M.
Moses, J. Williamson
Moritz, William

Neel, P.M.
Newton, J.E.
Nolan, J.C.

Obryon, John
Oertling, William
Overman, Benjamin J.

Packard, Charles
Paschal, John H.
Paulson, Thomas
Perrenot, E.A.
Phillips, H.C.
Poillen, Victor Eude
Ponder, Charles S.
Powell, W.
Pulliam, Jno. R.

Rachal, D.C.
Reid, O.P.
Reid, P.L.
Reinle, U.
Reinle, Mick
Reynolds, James
Richards, E.W.
Ricks, W.W.
Roark, J.H.
Roberts, C.
Robertson, H.A.
Robertson, P.H.
Rooke, J.C.
Ruice, D.

Scheeberg, E.
Shannon, Augustus
Shaefer, Clark
Shaw, J.W.
Shirley, J.
Shortridge, I.H.
Shull, Adolf
Simons, Joseph
Skidmore, E.A.
Skidmore, E.O.
Skidmore, S.C.
Slocumb, H.
Smith, H.S.
Smith, T.R.
Snow, W.H.
Sorokosh, Stefani
Stafford, R.H.
Stewart, Thomas R.
Strauch, Anton
Swartz, Val

Talbot, Matthew
Tally, J.R.
Teal, Charles H.
Teas, D.
Thaler, Louis
Thomas, J.J.
Thomas, John
Townsend, W.T.
Tucker, L.T.
Turner, D. McN.
Twyman, J.W.

Upton, E.P.
Upton, F.P.
Upton, S.E.

Valdez, Santos

Walsh, R.D.
Waer, H.F.
Wanters, B.N.
Warren, Harrey
Wells, James B.
Wells, James B., Jr.
White, M.
Wiegard, Albert
Williams, Charles F.
Williams, J.D.
Williamson, W.A.
Willon, Willis B.
Winsor, E.S.
Wood, R.H.
Woods, Thomas
Woodward, W.H.
Wright, James
Wyatt, L.H.

Yager, Frank